Apparently, "Free Internet" in Custer, SD means you get to use the one computer in the lobby. I was kinda hoping to do this in the privacy of my own room, but doing it infront of the one guy running the joint is so much more fun. I think he thinks I'm nuts. As far as I can tell, I'm one of two people staying here tonight.
As for today, I got up early and spent a few hours driving through the beautiful Minnesota River Valley, I think. I'm not really sure, it was damn dark outside and very slippery, so I was only paying attention to the ice beneath my wheels. I stopped at the Corn Palace and Wall Drug on my way to the Black Hills. Neither was eventful or impressive, but they are off the list. I did buy a gorgeous ring at Wall Drug. It is made of wood and hand-painted. It cost me $1.49.
When I left Wall, I headed South through Badlands National Park. I took a dirt road in my jeep across the Northern edge. I came face to face with several prairie dogs and a few very large buffalo.
It occured to me that Mr. Buffalo, 10 feet from my car, could have done some serious damage to the rental Jeep if he had half a mind to. Thank goodness he was happily chomping on the grass and oblivious to the chick taking the photos. I'll upload a few when I have real internet.
Then, I drove by Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Monument. I didnt' get out, I had on a sweatshirt and it was about 25 degrees. In the toss up between culture and warmth, warmth will win every time.
Tomorrow we cross the mountains. It's supposed to snow. Fabulous. Here's to white knuckling it across Wyoming!
Hi Kate: Mom and I are excited to be following your great adventure! GO TWINS!!