Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 5 photos and recap now that I've slept

Just a few photos of yesterday's travels taken with my two are in Arches National Park in Moab, UT.  I loved it there and it will be on my list of places to go back to.  It was like being in the middle of a Roadrunner/Wile E. Coyote skit.  I just kept waiting for one of the big rocks to fall on someone's head.
The last two are my feet standing on Four Corners, and the Grand Canyon.
More photos from the real camera:
It was a long drive across Arizona from Four Corners yesterday.  A lot of two lane roads and road construction that held up the process.
I found it interesting how many roadside stands were along the way from Four Corners to the Grand Canyon.  I imagine it's the route that most tourists take between those two points, and it goes directly through the middle of the Navajo Indian Reservation.  Along this road are innumerable stands selling Navajo rugs, pottery, and jewelery.  The land is very desolate and the housing is far, far below what we in the Midwest would consider standard.  I wish I could stop at every roadside stand and buy something to help support them, but it would be impossible.  It's hard to believe that just 100 miles away are posh retirement communities and lush golf courses.  Don't worry, I'm still republican, but this kind of inequity is compelling.

So far, I'm surprised by lack of wildlife I have seen on this adventure.  I'm sure my night in Vegas will cure that issue.....

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