Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 6...change of plans, friends.

The beauty of being on vacation by yourself, is that you can change your mind and change direction anytime you want to.  I woke up this morning and didn't feel so hot (and no, I'm not hungover).  I think it was a lack of sleep because the people in the room next door were partying all night long.  Such is Vegas.  I checked out my path to my next destination, and if I was going to stop at the Grand Canyon and Four Corners, I'd have a full day of travel ahead of me again.  Roughly 12 hours.  If I cut out those stops, I'd still be looking at 7 hours today, then several hours the following day roughing it through the now snow-filled mountains of Colorado (with a forecast for more).  Followed by Nebraska...and if I can quote a Chris and Johnny song, "Nebraska's the longest damn state in the Union with only Iowa to look forward to."
So, I've decided to come home today.  I'm too tired to comfortably drive 500 miles today. I've turned in my rental car, I've canceled the rest of my hotels, and used a bunch of frequent flyer miles to get a $13.00 flight home.  I feel like I've seen all the great stuff, had loads of fun, and met some great people along the way.  I've learned bunches about myself.  Not the least of which is what I learned today:  I fully intended to finish the trip for one reason only, so all of you who are reading wouldn't be disappointed in me or think I couldn't do it.  I didn't want to feel like a failure. But I had to really think hard and remember that this trip is about me.  About what I wanted to do, wanted to see.  And now, I want to see home.  I don't want to finish the trip just because I said I would.  Now I'm saying I'm not - at least not in the way I had originally planned.

I'm sitting right now in McCarren Airport waiting to board my plane back to home.  I'm going to pet my dog, hug my husband, and relax. 

I have really enjoyed having this adventure by myself.  I feel like I've remembered now what it's all supposed to be about.  For me.  For your own answers, I strongly suggest a trip to West Yellowstone, Montana.  But perhaps you may want to choose a summer trip without snowstorms.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 5

Not a bunch to report today, really.  I opted to take a driving day off and not head to Death Valley as originally planned.  I decided to lose some money at the Pai Gow table and the Craps table instead.  That did not exactly go as planned either.  I'm up about $400 on the day.  I'm not playing anymore today, because, as they say, Vegas giveth and Vegas taketh away.  I'd rather stay on the winning side of that equation.
But I did meet a lot of great people at the Pai Gow table, as usually happens.
Tomorrow I return to my beloved driver's seat to start the journey back home.  Tomorrow I will head off to the Grand Canyon, Four Corners and flippin' Utah again.  Goodness, is that state big.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 4...a.k.a Utah is huge...a.k.a. I'm in Vegas!

I just arrived at the New York, New York in Vegas.  It's 7:30 and I've been driving since 8:30.  If I would have taken the direct route from Salt Lake to here, it would have taken less than five hours.  As it is, it took forever.  I spent all day going down two lanes roads, across mountains, over canyons, through state parks and seeing what a diverse landscape Utah has.  I had figured my little detour through Southwest Utah would have added an hour or two.  In fact, it added five.  I'm exahusted.
However, I had a great time and saw things I never would have seen otherwise.Namely, a real cowboy.   Not the rodeo type.  A real, honest to goodness, up on a horse, herding cows, cowboy!  I saw this because he was herding his cattle from one pasture to the next one.  The pasture he was trying to get them to was a mile down the two lane road.  I was driving on said two lane road.  You know how in the movies you see a car surrounded by cattle or sheep or something.  That was me.  There were cows behind me, cows in front of me, cows to the right and left.  I was surrounded by a herd of cattle, mooing like crazy, meandering down the road.  It was hysterical.  One of the very best parts of the trip so far.  I will post pictures a little later.  I kept laughing at all the Cattle Crossing signs I would kept seeing....little did I know.
My trek also took me through Zion National Park.  I've never seen anything like that.  The red rock formations were so beautiful.  I kept looking for Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote.  The switchbacks down the side of the cliff in Zion were on top of the other to descend to the bottom of the canyon down one side of the cliff...back and forth about ten times. 
I'm beginning to lose count of the times I've been to Vegas, but this is special.  This is an accomplishment.  It doesn't really take much to get into a car and drive, but it's still a new experience that I didn't know if I had it in me to accomplish.
And in celebration, there is a Colorado Bulldog somewhere downstairs with my name on it.  I think one before bedtime is on the agenda.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 3

I have officially averted my first catastrophe.  I lost my iPhone today, which is odd since it normally is glued to my palm.  I left it on a bench at the mall.  Thank goodness someone turned it into the nail salon that I got my toes painted at.  But I didn't check there until I was in full panic mode.
I woke up this morning in Montana, drove through Idaho and am now in Salt Lake City.  I stopped at the Potato Museum in Idaho, but I was thinking it would be like a factory or something.  It was a very small hole in the wall that sold potato key chains to unsuspecting tourists.  Since I was a suspecting tourist, I didn't buy one.
I stopped by the Church of Latter Day Saints HQ here in Salt Lake.  The tabernacle was beautiful, and I stopped in to the Tabernacle Choir Auditorium.  Both places were gorgeous, but the deal is quite simple:  if you're on their property, you're fair game to get preached to.  I was asked five times today if I had accepted Jesus as my personal saviour.  They really ought to come up with a better tag line.  I mean, does anyone every really say no to that?  I did overhear someone say "I gave at the office."  Personally, I had a hard time not questioning all these girls about why they want to be part of religion that ....  aw, heck.  I didn't start this blog to begin debating the brainwashing of the female population of Utah.  It did dawn on me, however, that it's really not that strange that this whole town is full of them.  I mean, this is their Rome.  The whole world's Mormons consider this their Mecca.  Okay.  Whatever.
I had another odd epiphany today.  I got my toes painted today in preperation for Vegas.  I can now only paint my toe nails colors that go nicely with my tattoo.  Today my toes are yellow.
I wish I had more to say, but I was right....Utah pales in comparison to Wyoming/Montana/Yellowstone.  I already am wishing for my next trip to that area.  I loved everyting about that area.  I really did learn so much about myself there.  And it did remind me of one of the best things about me:  I'm very much my father's daughter.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Day 2

I cruised into West Yellowstone, Montana not too long ago. I'm sitting on my bed watching the Twins. I tuned in in the 9th inning. I kinda want to turn it off so I don't ruin the rest of an otherwise perfect day.
I was in the Jeep a good solid 12 hours today with the exception of a few photo ops and gas station breaks. It was such a wonderful day, I'm not even sure I can think of anything witty or funny to say. I think I'm just going to gush about how gorgeous the trip was.
I started off leaving South Dakota fairly early and stopped by Devil's Tower. It's a darned good thing that Chad climbed it before I saw it up close and personal. I never would have let him go!!
After that I started my first trip into the mountains. I picked a route that wasn't the tamest, but wasn't the scariest. However, as soon as I started my ascent, it started to snow, then blizzard. It was a riot. I couldn't go any faster than 30 for 50 miles.
When I finally got to the bottom, I headed thru Cody and on to Yellowstone. I didn't realize there was another mountain range. With snow. Again. Blizzard. Again.
But worth it. Yellowstone was the most gorgeous place I've ever been, and I've been a lot of places. It was so alive. The gysers were everywhere. I thought it was just a couple! It seemed so prehistoric. I saw so much wildlife everywhere. There were mountain goats, buffalo, elk, mule deer, white tail deer, and a wolf. I saw a wolf. It was wonderful. There were even guys fly fishing in the river. I just feel so lucky to have seen this place. It filled me with awe and this is what is real, and the rat race that I'm part of is all illusions. I can't even begin to write enough about it to get the feeling across. It was just so wonderful.

Hmmm....I'm guessing the potato museum tomorrow will pale in comparison. :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 1

Apparently, "Free Internet" in Custer, SD means you get to use the one computer in the lobby. I was kinda hoping to do this in the privacy of my own room, but doing it infront of the one guy running the joint is so much more fun. I think he thinks I'm nuts. As far as I can tell, I'm one of two people staying here tonight.
As for today, I got up early and spent a few hours driving through the beautiful Minnesota River Valley, I think. I'm not really sure, it was damn dark outside and very slippery, so I was only paying attention to the ice beneath my wheels. I stopped at the Corn Palace and Wall Drug on my way to the Black Hills. Neither was eventful or impressive, but they are off the list. I did buy a gorgeous ring at Wall Drug. It is made of wood and hand-painted. It cost me $1.49.
When I left Wall, I headed South through Badlands National Park. I took a dirt road in my jeep across the Northern edge. I came face to face with several prairie dogs and a few very large buffalo.
It occured to me that Mr. Buffalo, 10 feet from my car, could have done some serious damage to the rental Jeep if he had half a mind to. Thank goodness he was happily chomping on the grass and oblivious to the chick taking the photos. I'll upload a few when I have real internet.
Then, I drove by Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Monument. I didnt' get out, I had on a sweatshirt and it was about 25 degrees. In the toss up between culture and warmth, warmth will win every time.
Tomorrow we cross the mountains. It's supposed to snow. Fabulous. Here's to white knuckling it across Wyoming!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Just a few more hours!

I packed up all my bags, they are in the Jeep. (Yes, I rented a Jeep Grand Charokee type thing.) I've said my goodbyes and now I just have to sleep and start my adventure in the morning.
Yes, I'll be safe. No, I won't do anything stupid. No, I'm not bringing mace. Yes, I have alternate routes through the mountains in case the roads are closed because of the snow. Yes, I brought warm clothes. No, I won't talk to strangers that look like mass murderers.

And yes, I really am going to the potato museum in Idaho.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

T minus 36 hours and counting!

I've got all my gear in the spare room waiting to be packed up and thrown in the rental car tomorrow. I'm planning on leaving here at about 4am on my way to Custer, SD for the first leg of the trip. I took a look at the weather, and it will be a balmy 27 degrees and snowing when I get there. I have no doubt that the snow will make for a very interesting trip through the Rocky Mountains on Sunday.
Some people have been telling me they are so excited for me to go on this adventure...others think I'm flat out nuts. The nearer it gets to the time, the more nervous and excited I get. The "what-if" monster is crawling around in my head. What if the car breaks down? What if I get lost? What if I get really bored?